
任何一种武学,在实战中发挥作用时候,一定不是被武学大师从第一式到最后一式按顺序耍一遍。 这样对手随便一变招,命就沒有了。 武学大师应该是把各式打散,穿插成了网络,这样对手如何变招都能接住。

任何线性结构的知识都无法被人脑长久记住。 org-roam的插入链接就是把“招式”编织成网络的绝招,其允许我们把记录的笔记穿插成网路。 这更符合人脑的生理结构,因为相比较散布或线性结构的知识,图像化的知识更容易被理解和记住。 于是某书呆将org-roam这个哲学推广到博客系统,这样书呆的知识输出也编织成了网络。 岂不是也方便诸方大侠对某书呆武学的品评和印证?

  (defun my-copy-blog-link-action (candidate)
    "copy blog link action"
    (let* ((abspath (car (split-string candidate ":")))
           (parts (split-string abspath "/"))
           (type-string (car (last (butlast parts 1)))))
      (if (string-equal type-string "_posts")
          (let* ((file-name-md (car (last parts)))
                 (fnm-parts (split-string file-name-md "-"))
                 (fnm-third-part (if (> (length fnm-parts) 3)
                                     (mapconcat 'identity (nthcdr 3 fnm-parts) "-")
             (concat "https://dustincys.github.io/cn/"
                     (car fnm-parts) "/"
                     (cadr fnm-parts) "/"
                     (file-name-sans-extension fnm-third-part) "/")))
         (concat "https://dustincys.github.io/cn/"
                 type-string "/")))))

  (defun blog-helm-file-persistent-action-ag (candidate)
    "Persistent action for file-related functionality.
    Previews the contents of a file in a temporary buffer."
    (let* ((abspath (car (split-string candidate ":")))
           (lineno (cadr (split-string candidate ":"))))
      (if (file-exists-p abspath)
          (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*helm-blog persistent*")))
            (cl-flet ((preview (abspath)
                               (switch-to-buffer buf)
                               (setq inhibit-read-only t)
                               (insert-file-contents abspath)
                               (let ((buffer-file-name abspath))
                               (setq inhibit-read-only nil)
                               (goto-line (string-to-number lineno))))
              (if (and (helm-get-attr 'previewp)
                       (string= abspath (helm-get-attr 'current-candidate)))
                  (goto-line (string-to-number lineno))
                (preview abspath)))
            (helm-set-attr 'current-candidate abspath)
            (helm-set-attr 'previewp t))
        (if (and (helm-get-attr 'previewp)
                 (get-buffer "*helm-blog persistent*"))
              (kill-buffer "*helm-blog persistent*")
              (helm-set-attr 'previewp nil))))))

  (defun my-helm-projectile-ag-blog-link ()
    "Customized helm-projectile-ag with custom actions."
    (helm :sources
          (helm-build-sync-source "blog search (ag)"
            :candidates (lambda ()
                            (format "ag --line-numbers --nocolor --hidden  %s %s --md"
                           "\n" t))
            :action '(("copy blog link to clipboard" . my-copy-blog-link-action))
            :persistent-action 'blog-helm-file-persistent-action-ag
            :persistent-help "Preview file"
            :follow 1)))
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类别: technology 
标签: 信息管理  知识管理  自由博客系统  中